施工技术 2016年5月下 52 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第45卷第10期 D0I:10.7672/8js2016100052 钢筋直螺纹连接端头精准批量切割 设备系统的研发与应用 冯弥,石东浪,李小勇 (陕西建工第五建设集团有限公司,陕西西安710032) [摘要]目前施工现场钢筋直螺纹连接端头切割设备落后,通过分解研究钢筋端头加工工艺,将钢筋吊运、端头对 齐、锯切、传输、丝头加工等工艺动作合理集成布局至加工设备系统平台范围内,研发出钢筋直螺纹连接端头精准 批量切割成套设备系统,相比传统方式,大大消除了由于钢筋机械连接的质量问题导致的工程结构安全隐患,同时 使得钢筋直螺纹连接端头加工操作简便、安全、环保、经济社会效益显著提高. [关键词]钢筋工程;连接端头;加工;移动车间 [中图分类号]TU755.3*3 [文献标识码]A[文章编号]1002-8498(2016)10-0052-04 Research and Application of Current Straight Threaded Rebar Joint Cutting Equipment Feng Mi Shi Donglang Li Xiaoyong (SCEGC No.5 Construction Engineering Group Co.Lad.Xi'an Shaanxi 710032 China) Abstract:Due to the backwardness of the current straight threaded rebar joint cutting equipment a plete system of precise cutting equipment for straight threaded rebar joint is developed by integrating into the processing equipment system platform such procedures as rebar lifting joint alignment cutting transport and thread processing etc.In parison with the traditional ways it has greatly eliminated the engineering structural safety hazard that caused by quality defects on rebar mechanical connection. Meanwhile it has inereased the benefits sufficiently in aspects of easy operation safety environment protection economy and society. Key words:reinforcement;joints;processing;mobile workshop 0引言 1现状问题调查分析 钢筋等强度滚轧直螺纹连接技术在我国工程1.1钢筋切头现状 建设中广泛应用,钢筋接头作为产品有其特殊性, 目前钢筋切割设备主要采用钢筋切断机和砂 除连接套筒在工厂生产外,钢筋丝头大都在施工现 轮切割机,切断机切断钢筋截断面易被挤压变形; 场加工,钢筋接头的质量控制在很大程度上依赖于 砂轮切割机下料,由于高速摩擦导致钢筋端头温度 施工现场接头的加工和...
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