施工技术 2014年2月上 4 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第43卷第3期 D0I:10.7672/sgjs2014030004 钢筋锚固板设计与应用* 李智斌,邵康节,张涛,赵杰,冯大斌,赵基达 (中国建筑科学研究院建筑结构研究所,北京100013) [摘要]钢筋锚固板由于其锚固性能良好,可有效减少错固用钢材,缓解钢筋拥挤,加快钢筋工程施工速度,提高混 凝土浇筑质量,为特殊工况的钢筋锚固问题提供新方法,受到工程界的广泛欢迎.行业标准《钢筋铺固板应用技术 规程》JG256一2011已于2012年4月开始实施,为使广大工程技术人员更好地理解、掌握和运用这一全新的钢筋 机械锚固技术,深人研究了钢筋锚固板设计应用过程中的关键构造和技术问题,完善了我国钢筋机械铺固技术和 工程应用体系,为在混凝土工程广泛应用钢筋错固板技术提供指导. [关键词]钢筋工程;钢筋锚固板;设计;应用 [中图分类号]TU375.04 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2014)03-0004-06 Design and Application of Headed Bars Li Zhibin Shao Kangjie Zhang Tao Zhao Jie Feng Dabin Zhao Jida Institute of Building Structures China Academy of Building Research Beijing 100013 China) Abstract:Headed bar has good anchor performance which can save steel for rebar anchorage reduce congestion faster rebar installation speed improve the reinforced concrete quality greater design flexibility and is accepted by engineers and bee very popular.The industry standard Technical specification for application of headed bars JGJ256-2011 is put into execution from April of 2012.In order to help the designer and constructor to understand master and apply this new rebar mechanical anchor technology the key structure and technical points in the headed bars design and application process are studied in this research which improve the rebar mechanical anchoring technology and engineering application system in our country and provide guidance for widely application of headed bar in the concrete project. Key words:reinforcement;headed bars;...
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