2014年3月上 施工技术 第43卷第5期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 73 D0I:10.7672/5js2014050073 钢管扣件式独立高支模架抗倾覆计算方法研究 王永泉,郭正兴2,田正宏 (1.河海大学水利水电学院,江苏南京210098;2.东南大学土木工程学院,江苏南京210096) [摘要]钢管扣件式高支模架在土木工程领域应用面广量大,造成重大伤亡的坍塌事故也屡见不鲜.结合《混凝土 结构工程施工规范》GB50666一2011中钢管扣件式高支模架抗倾覆的相关规定,参考钢管扣件式脚手架抗倾覆性 能的计算方法,考虑高支模架顶部的水平荷载作用效应、支模架顶部的水平位移、支架的垂直搭设偏差等,提出了 钢管扣件式独立高支模架的整体抗倾覆性能计算方法. [关键词]模板;脚手架;钢管扣件式脚手架;高支模架;抗倾覆;位移 [中图分类号]TU731.2 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2014)05-0073-04 Research on the Calculation Method of Independent Steel Fasteners Type High-supported Formwork Against Overturning Wang Yongquan' Guo Zhengxing? Tian Zhenghong' (1.College of Water Consercancy and Hydropower Engineering Hohai Unirersity Nanjing Jiangsu 210098 China; 2.College of Ciril Engineering Southeast University Nanjing Jiangsu 210096 China) Abstract:The steel fasteners type high-supported formwork has been widely utilized in the field of civil engineering resulting in heavy casualties of the collapse of the accident is also not unmon.According to the relevant provisions of the anti-overturning listed in Chinese specification Code for construction of concrete structure GB50666-2011 the anti-overturning performance of steel fasteners type high- supported formwork was been well studied referring to the calculation method of steel fasteners scaffolding against overturning the effect of the horizontal load and displacement on the top of the high-supported formwork was considered and also the vertical erection deviation.At last the calculation method ...