2014年7月下 施工技术 第43卷第14期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 171 D0I:10.7672/sgjs2014140171 钢结构连接摩擦面误涂漆处理措施试验研究* 李相勇,吴兆旗2,庄宁2,郑剑智2 (1.浙江东南网架股份有限公司,浙江杭州311209;2.福州大学土木工程学院,福建福州350108) [摘要]对涂有酚醛防锈漆的摩擦型高强螺栓连接摩擦面分别采用香蕉水清洗、喷砂、百叶轮砂纸打磨、砂轮打磨 等方法做表面处理,并进行抗滑系数试验测试.结果表明误涂防锈漆会严重降低连接面的抗滑移系数,无论经过 何种方法进行摩擦面处理,抗滑移系数都不能达到未涂漆的情况.用香蕉水洗、喷砂和砂轮细磨处理摩擦面具有 相对理想的效果,测得处理后的连接的抗滑移系数可达到0.30以上,其中砂轮细磨连接面的抗滑移系数可达 0.377.利用测得摩擦系数进行设计校核,如能满足设计要求,可采取相应处理措施对误涂油漆摩擦面进行处理. [关键词]钢结构;防锈漆;摩擦面;抗滑移系数;高强螺栓;试验研究 [中图分类号]TU39.03 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2014)14-0171-04 Experimental Investigation for Processing the Mistakenly Painting Steel Junction Surface Li Xiangyong' Wu Zhaoqi? Zhuang Ning2 Zheng Jianzhi2 (1.Zhejiang Southeast Space Frame Co.Lid.Hangzhou Zhejiang 311209 China; 2.College of Ciril Engineering Fuzhou University Fuzhou Fujian 350108 China) Abstract:In this paper the steel junction surface coated with phenolic antirust paint were processed respectively by means of banana oil cleaning grit blasting sandpaper polishing grinding wheel polishing and then were experimentally tested to determine their sliding coefficients.The testing results show that the coating antirust paint will seriously reduce the sliding coefficient and no matter what method is used to process the surface the resistance to slide can not achieve the unvarnished situation. The banana oil cleaning the grit blasting and the grinding wheel polishing finely are the relatively good ways to process the surface coated and the sliding coefficients of the surface pro...