2015年4月上 施工技术 第44卷第7期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 93 D0I:10.7672/5j52015070093 锚锭板对旋喷搅拌加劲桩支护刚度的 影响分析与计算 刘全林 (上海强劲地基工程股份有限公司,上海200233) [摘要]通过旋喷搅拌施工技术形成大直径的斜向水泥土桩体并设置由钢绞线和错锭板组成的锚固件,对铺固件 施加预应力,实现对软土边坡和基坑的支护.根据江苏靖江、浙江温州地区淤泥地层中旋喷搅拌加劲桩的静载检 测结果,验证了在加劲桩中设置错锭板及多块错锭板对提高其支护刚度的作用,分析了其对支护刚度的贡献.试 验结果表明,合理地设置错锭板可以有效提高加劲桩的极限承载力,降低其变形量.采用荷载传递原理对旋喷搅 拌加劲桩的受力变形特征进行理论分析,得到了旋喷搅拌加劲桩的支护刚度计算方法,与实测数据较为吻合. [关键词]基坑;支护;桩:加劲桩;锚锭板;刚度 [中图分类号]TU47[文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2015)07-0093-06 Research and Calculation of the Effect of Series Connected Anchor Plates on the Uplift Stiffness of Jet Mixing Anchor Pile Liu Quanlin Shanghai Strong Foundation Engineering Co.Lad.Shanghai 200233 China) Abstract:The series anchor plates set inside the anchorage section can effectively reduce the contact stress and make the steel strand and the cement soil work as an entirety.The relative slip can be controlled by this special structure as well as the displacement of the anchor pile.The function of the anchor plates is verified by uplift tests in Jiangsu and Zhejiang province and the design is optimized by a series of parameter analysis with the finite element method.The test and finite element analysis show that a reasonable design of the series anchor plates can obviously raise the ultimate bearing capacity and reduce the deformation of the jet mixing anchor pile.Finally a theoretical calculation method for the load-displacement relationship of the jet mixing anchor pile is proposed based on the load-transfer theory. The calcul...
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