2012年9月上 施工技术 第41卷第372期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 63 降雨对边坡稳定性影响研究综述 孙永帅,贾苍琴,王贵和 (中国地质大学工程技术学院,北京100083) [摘要]提出降雨对边坡稳定性影响研究的意义,指出降雨人渗是导致边坡失稳的主要诱发因素,从理论研究现 场试验和室内试验3方面综述了降雨入渗对边坡稳定性影响的研究现状.归纳和总结了饱和-非饱和理论和边 坡稳定性分析方法、边坡稳定性变化规律及影响因素.其中,重点介绍了极限平衡法、极限分析法、有限元法等 相关方法,并且指出了它们的优点和存在的相关问题,在此基础上综述了相关试验研究现状,并指出其中的不足. 最后针对目前研究中所存在的问题就今后的发展方向提出了自己的看法. [关键词]边坡稳定性;降雨;非饱和土;渗流;试验 [中图分类号]TU43 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2012)17-0063-04 Overview of Research on Stability of Slope During Rainfall Sun Yongshuai Jia Cangqin Wang Guihe School of Engineering and Technology China University of Geosciences Beijing 100083 China) Abstract:The significance of studying the stability of slope during rainfall is highlighted in this paper. Rainfall infiltration is the main factor that causes slope instability.This paper summarizes current research on slope stability during rainfall from three aspects of theoretical research field test and laboratory test.Saturated-unsaturated theory and slope stability analysis method are summarized as well as principles governing the change of slope stability and influence factors.Among them limit equilibrium method limit analysis method and finite element method are introduced in detail with their advantages and disadvantages highlighted.After that this paper summarizes the current situation of model tests and pointed out their shortings.At last the authors presented their own ideas on further development with respect to the problems existing. Key words:slope stability;rain;unsat...