2012年6月上 施工技术 第41卷第366期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 105 青岛高新区创业中心工程单元式幕墙设计与施工 吴书义,王胜,董成 (青建集团股分公司,山东青岛266071) [摘要]单元式幕墙是通过单元板块的相互插接形成等压腔来确保幕墙水密、气密等各项性能的新型建筑围护结 构,青岛创业中心工程大面积采用了该体系,取得良好的效果.结合该工程幕墙的设计特点、不利点的设计计算及 单元板块的组装、转接件的安装,单元板块的吊装等施工技术进行了闹述,并介绍了施工过程中的质量控制要点. [关键词]幕墙:设计:施工技术;质量控制 [中图分类号】TU228;TU767.5 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2012)11-0105-05 Design and Construction Technology of Unit Curtain Wall of the Innovation Center Project in Qingdao High-tech Park Wu Shuyi Wang Sheng Dong Cheng (Qingjian Group Co.Ld.Qingdao Shandong 266071.China) Abstract:Unit curtain wall is a new building envelope which assures water tightness air tightness and other properties through constant pressure cavity formed by unitized panels inserted to connect each other. Innovation Center project adopted this system on a large scale and had gained good effects.This Paper bined with the curtain wall design characteristics and drawback design calculation of this project discusses the construction technology on assembly of unitized panels installation of switchover pieces lifting of unitized panels.And it introduces the main points of quality control under construction.Some experiences used for reference are provided for the construction of unit curtain wall. Key words:curtain walls;design;construction;quality control 单元式幕墙是指将各种幕墙构件和饰面材料高110m;B楼19层,高94.2m;C楼10层,高 在车间内加工完成,并依据设计要求组装成一层或52.2m:D楼5层,高43.8m.4座塔楼错落有致,塔 多层楼高的整体板块,然后运至施工现场进行整体楼之间由裙房互相连通,是集行政、办公、科研于一 吊装,与建筑结构上预先设置的挂接件精确连接,体的综合性建筑.本工程外立面装饰以玻璃和铝 并根据主...
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