施工技术 2011年4月下 48 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第40卷第339期 马来西亚吉隆坡珍珠塔超高超大板式 预应力转换层施工技术 刘晓生,黄征,王振兴,王卫新,于宁,范乔,单文奇 (北京城建北方建设有限责任公司,北京101301) [摘要]马来西亚吉隆坡珍珠塔转换层通过采取先进的技术创新理念,优化结构转换层设计:变“梁式结构转换层” 为“板式预应力转换层”的设计方案.认真、周密、合理地进行施工部署,将施工结构转换板混凝土分②次浇筑,同 时进行模架方案设计,并通过实施过程中一系列的预控、监控、模拟试验等措施顺利实现工期、质量及成本等目标; 通过变更转换层结构设计形式既降低了施工难度,又降低了工程成本. [关键词]珍珠塔;结构转换层;施工控制;模拟试验 [中图分类号]TU973.12 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2011)08-0048-03 Construction Technology of Super-high and Mass Prestressed Transfer Slab in Pearl Tower Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Liu Xiaosheng Huang Zheng Wang Zhenxing Wang Weixin Yu Ning Fan Qiao Shan Wenqi Beijing Urban Construction North Construction Co.Ltd.Beijing 101301 China) Abstract:Based on characteristics of transfer floor construction in Pearl Tower Kuala Lumpur Malaysia authors change transfer beam to prestressed transfer slab by means of adopting advanced innovative technique concept to optimize consultant's original design.By serious careful and reasonable design for construction the concrete of the transfer slab is poured by two times and construction scheme of formwork and scaffold is designed.Authors achieve original target of progress quality and cost by series of measures of pre-control monitoring and simulating test.Changing structure design scheme of the transfer floor can lower the construction difficulty as well as construction cost. Key words:Pearl Tower;transfer floor;construction control;simulation test 1工程概况 2优化设计方案 马来西亚吉隆坡珍珠塔工程为高级公寓,建筑2.1原有设计方案 面积11.3万m2 地下1层,地上43层.建筑高度 原设...