2012年10月下 施工技术 第41卷第375期 CONSTRUCTIONTECHNOLOGY 53 高保塑超缓凝剂的研究与应用 黄波,王军,刘明,唐玉超,王婵 (中建商品混凝土有限公司,湖北武汉430074) [摘要】超缓凝剂是配制超缓凝混凝土的关键技术。
采用高分子化学方法,研制了一种混凝土用超缓凝剂,研究了 超缓凝剂对水泥浆体流动性、凝结时间、混凝土和易性及后期力学性能的影响,并结合实际工程应用对其性能进行 了探讨。
试验结果表明,超缓凝剂在低掺量(0.1%~0.5%)条件下具有良好的保塑性能,保垢3~7h;随着掺量的 提高,水泥浆体的凝结时间和保坍时间逐渐延长,高掺量(0.5%~2.0%)下达到超缓凝,对混凝土的后期强度具有 一定的增强效果,强度提高约10%。
[关键词】混凝土;外加剂;超缓凝剂;高保塑;耐久性 [中图分类号】TU528.042 【文献标识码】A [文章编号]1002-8498(2012)20-0053-05 StudyandApplicationofaNovelHigh Plasticity-maintainingSuperRetarder Huang Bo,Wang Jun,Liu Ming,Tang Yuchao,Wang Chan (China Construction Ready-mixed Concrete Co.Lad,Wuhan,Hubei 430074, China) Abstract;Super retarder is a key technology in the preparation of ultra-retarding concrete.A super retarder for concrete was developed by using polymer chemistry method.The influence of super retarder on the fluidity of cement paste,the condensation time of the cement,conerete workability and late mechanical properties were studied,and its performance was discussed bined with practical engineering applications.The test results show that the super retarder under low dosage (0.1%~ 0.5%)has good plasticity-maintaining ability and can control the slump loss for 3 ~7hours.As the dosage increased, the setting time of the cement paste and the time of slump gradually extends to achieve ultra-high retarding state with the dosage of 0.5%o ~ 2. 0%o.The concrete over 22 hours can keep the slump at 200mm or more and the slump flow can reach more than. 500mm. The super retarder has reinforcing effect on the late strength of the concrete as the final strength increased by 10%.Meanwhile, the prepared ultra-retarding concrete demonstrated excellent durability. Key words:concrete;admixture; super retarder;high plasticity-maintaining; durability 0前言 裂缝;对于夏季高温环境下施工的混凝土,超缓凝 超缓凝剂是一种新型的混凝土外加剂,不仅能 剂可以延长混凝土的运输时间,减少坍落度损失, 够长时间内(例如≥24h甚至更长时间)任意调节混 是保证混凝土泵送、浇灌和施工的有效方法。
另 凝土的凝结时间,而且对混凝土的性能无负面影 外,一定量的超缓凝剂能够保证长时间混凝土施工 响,成为近年来外加剂技术研究的热点之一。
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