施工技术 2017年1月下 72 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第46卷第2期 D0I:10.7672/5gj2017020072 高压旋喷桩内插H型钢技术及在某基坑 加固工程中的应用 唐君12,闫双跃12,段启伟12,张庆云1.2,江宁1 2 (1 中国建筑科学研究院地基基础研究所,北京100013;2.建研地基基础工程有限责任公司,北京100013) [摘要]综合考虑工程地质及水文地质条件、场地施工条件、对基坑临近建(构)筑物保护等因素,采用高压旋喷桩 内插H型钢技术对事故基坑进行加固,利用高压旋喷柱的截水性能来防止泥炭(质)土的流失,同时利用H型钢的 高强度、刚度满足支护结构的承载能力和变形控制要求.实施效果和施工监测表明,采用的基坑加固方案有效、可 靠,保证了二次开挖过程中基坑及临近建(构)筑物的安全. [关键词]基坑工程;高压旋喷柱;泥炭(质)土;加固;设计;应用 [中图分类号]TU43 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2017)02-0072-04 Technology of High Pressure Jet Grouting Pile Interpolated with H-shape Steel and Application in Reinforcement of an Excavation Project Tang Jun.2 Yan Shuangyue.2 Duan Qiweil.2 Zhang Qingyun'.2 Jiang Ning1.2 (1.Institute of Foundation Engineering of China Academy of Building Research Beijing 100013 China: 2.CABR Foundation Engineering Co.Lid.Beijing 100013 China) Abstract:According to the engineering geological and hydro-geological conditions site construction conditions and the protection requirements for adjacent building (structure )the technology of high pressure jet grouting pile interpolated with H-shape steel was adopted for the reinforcement of the excavation.In this reinforcement scheme the water interception performance of high pressure jet grouting pile was used to prevent erosion of the peat pcaty)soil and the high strength and stiffness of H-shape steel was used to meet the bearing capacity and deformation control requirements of the retaining and prevention structure.The implementation effect and construction monito...