施工技术 2014年3月下 12 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第43卷第6期 D01:10.7672/js2014060012 高压旋喷桩止水帷幕在人民日报社报刊 综合业务楼中的应用 李哲琳,白志华,刘露超,赵海军 (中国新兴建设开发总公司,北京100039) [摘要]人民日报社报刊综合业务楼深基坑止水采用在基坑外侧喷射注浆形成一道连续防水墙,连续止水帷幕和 护坡桩相结合的方法,在基坑四周封堵.经严格控制,取得了良好的施工效果,有效地控制了地下水,保证了基坑 的安全和后续施工的顺利进行.具体阐述了止水帷幕技术要求及施工方法,总结了施工质量的控制要点. [关键词]高层建筑:深基坑;止水帷幕:高压旋喷桩:施工技术 [中图分类号]TU753 [文献标识码]A[文章编号]1002-8498(2014)06-0012-03 Application of High-pressure Sprayed Piles with Waterproof Curtains in the People's Daily Project Li Zhelin Bai Zhihua Liu Luchao Zhao Haijun China Xinxing Construction Derelopment General Co.Beijing 100039 China) Abstract:A continuous waterproof wall is formed by grouting concrete outside of the foundation excavation in the People's Daily project the foundation excavation is sealed with the bination method of waterproof curtain and slope protection piles.By the strictly control for the construction the good construction effect is obtained and the underwater is in control.Meanwhile the foundation excavation safety and construction sequence are guaranteed.The requirement and construction method of waterproof curtain are described in detail and the control points for construction quality is summarized. Key words:tall buildings;deep foundation excavation;waterproof curtain;high-pressure sprayed piles;construction 高压旋喷桩止水帷幕是利用高压把浆液从喷2工程地质及水文地质条件 嘴喷射出,冲击破坏土层,使浆液和土体充分搅拌 根据岩土工程勘察报告,场区地势较平.场地 混合,随着注浆管的旋转和提升而形成圆柱形桩地层按成因年代分为人工堆积层和第四纪沉积层2 体,通过旋喷桩和护坡桩之间相互搭接,形成一道大类,地层岩性及其分布特征自上而下主要描述如 连续的止水帷幕,以隔断地下水进入基坑,保证基下:①房渣土、碎石填土,①,...