2016年1月上 施工技术 第45卷第1期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 63 D0I:10.7672/sgjs2016010063 高填方碳酸盐岩块石地基蠕变特性及蠕变力学模型研究* 沈志平1.2,付君宜1 2,吴斌12 (1.贵州正业工程技术投资有限公司,贵州贵阳550000;2.贵州省岩溶地基工程技术研究中心,贵州贵阳550000) [摘要]通过现场对碳酸盐岩块石高填方地基蟠变试验的研究表明:长期处于湿润状态下的岩石,其在相同应力作 用下,在加载过程中湿润状态的瞬时沉降量明显大于自然状态的瞬时沉降量,但是在加载结束后,两种状态下的 变沉降相差不大.根据自然状态和湿润状态下碳酸盐岩地基蝎变的沉降监测值,建立了碳酸盐岩的经验力学模型 和蠕变力学模型. [关键词]地基;蟠变;经验模型;变模型 [中图分类号]TU471.6 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2016)01-0063-04 Study on Creep Property and Creep Model for the Rock Foundation of High Fill Carbonate Shen Zhiping.2 Fu Junyi.2 Wu Bin.2 (1.Guizhou Zhengye Engineering and Investment Incorporation Limited Guiyang Guizhou 550000 China; 2.Guizhou Karst Foundation Engineering Technology Research Center Guiyang Guizhou 550000 China) Abstract:Through field test of high fill carbonate foundation it has shown that rocks have been in a long- term moist state the instantaneous settlement of rocks creep in the moist state is significantly greater than the state of nature under the same stress but after the loading the creep settlement was not much difference.According to settlement monitoring value under moist state and nature state of rocks creep this paper established the mechanical model of experience and creep. Key words:foundations;creep;empirical model;creep model 0引言 (Q)红黏土硬塑~可塑状态,场地内普遍分 喀斯特地貌在我国广泛分布,尤其是西南各布,厚度3~5m;填方区下伏基岩主要为薄层灰岩, 省.随着中国西部山区基础设施建设的迅猛发展,少量中厚层泥质石灰岩.本工程岩层岩体较破碎, 高填方地基日益增多,其长期工后沉降直接关系到 主要为中风化.岩石主要为中厚~厚层白云岩、 机场、高速公路和铁路等设施的正常使用.目前薄~厚层灰岩及中厚~厚层含泥质灰岩.填料黏 对于碳酸盐岩的室内试验已经获得大量成果,但是...