施工技术 2016年2月下 86 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第45卷第4期 D0I:10.7672/8gis2016040086 高强玻纤岩棉防火保温板弧形屋面施工技术 徐奎学,郭收田,毛倩倩 (中启胶建集团有限公司,山东青岛266300) [摘要]高强玻纤岩棉防火保温板具有绿色环保、应用广泛、抗震性好、耐候性能好、保温、隔热、隔声、防水性能、板 体轻薄的特点,综合成套施工技术,应用于弧形网架屋面,丰富了建筑屋面的外观,同时满足了屋面保温、隔热等功 能.从工艺流程、檩条安装、屋面板安装、屋面有关节点做法及质量控制要点介绍了高强玻纤岩棉防火保温板施工 技术. [关键词]高强玻纤岩棉;抗震;保温;装配式;擦条;屋面板;节点 [中图分类号]TU765 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2016)04-0086-03 Construction Technology of Arc Roof with High Strength Fiberglass Rockwool Fireproof Insulation Board Xu Kuixue Guo Shoutian Mao Qianqian (Zhonggi Jiaojian Group Co.Lid.Qingdao Shandong 266300 China) Abstract:The high strength fiberglass rockwool fireproof insulation board have characteristics of environmental protection extensive application good earthquake resistance good weather resistance insulation sound insulation waterproof light.Comprehensive construction technology is applied to the roof of curved grid which enrich the appearance of building roof at the same time meet the roof insulation heat insulation and other functions.This paper introduces the high strength fiberglass rockwool fireproof insulation board construction technology from the aspects of technological process purlin installation roof panel mounting roof related joints practices and quality control points. Key words:high strength rockwool fiber;anti-seismic;insulation precast;purlin;roofs;joints 高强玻纤水泥夹芯岩棉保温板适用于任何结适用于弯曲造型的建筑设计. 构的建筑保温屋面,集玻纤水泥板屋面与岩棉板保 适用于有建筑节能要求的各种结构屋面体系, 温复合层为一体,保证建筑屋面的整体质量,屋面 如钢结构、球形网架结构、木结构等屋面应用. 轻薄,减轻建筑荷载,抗震、保温...