施工技术 2015年4月下 30 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第44卷第8期 D0I:10.7672/sgj82015080030 高空悬挑转换桁架施工模拟分析及应力监测 张振兴,刘宁波1,周勇,吴琴锋2,张宇,赵广坡2 (1.中建三局集团有限公司成都分公司,四川成都610041; 2.中国建筑西南设计研究院有限公司,四川成都610041) [摘要]成都华置广场2栋住宅为凯旋门式建筑设计,38层设计有悬挑钢结构转换桁架,支撑其上部12层钢筋混 凝土结构.在制定了初步钢结构施工方案后,为确保整体施工过程及建筑使用阶段钢结构桁架均处于安全可靠工 作状态,进行了整体建模与有限元施工模拟,并对桁架做了应力、变形分析.为监控结构应力水平,钢结构安装完 成后,布设了应力监测点,并将取得的数据与施工模拟的数据进行对比分析. [关键词]高层建筑;钢结构;转换桁架;悬挑;施工模拟;应力监测 [中图分类号]TU391.3 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2015)08-0030-04 Construction Simulation and Stress Monitoring for Cantilevered Transfer Steel Truss of Super High-rise Building Zhang Zhenxing' Liu Ningbo' Zhou Yong' Wu Qinfeng? Zhang Yu' Zhao Guangpo2 (1.China Construction Third Engineering Co.Lad.Chengdu Construction Company Chengdu Sichuan 610041 China;2.China Southwwest Architectural Design and Research Institute Co.Ltd.Chengdu Sichuan 610041 China Abstract:The residence of Chengdu Chinese-estates Plaza has special triumphal arch design its upper concrete structure is supported by cantilever steel structure truss which locates at 38th floor.After determining the installation plans finite element construction simulation stress and distortion analysis are done to make sure the steel structure truss is safe during construction process and use phase.In order to monitor the level of stress after steel installation is pleted stress monitoring points are laid. Monitoring data and construction simulation data are pared at the end. Key words:tall buildings;steel structures;transfer truss;c...
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