2011年11月下 施工技术 第40卷第353期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 83 工具式支撑系统在装配式预制构件安装中的应用 张鹏1,迟锴2 (1.北京市建筑工程研究院有限责任公司,北京100039; 2.北京建工集团有限责任公司总承包部,北京100055) [滴要]介绍了工具式支撑系统的结构特点,讲述了PC-V-GZC系统和PC-H-GZC系统各自的特点及原理.结合工 程实际,详细阐述了其在装配式预制外墙安装、预制飘窗安装和叠合楼板安装的施工工艺和安装要点,重点阐述了 装配式叠合楼板安装早拆施工工艺.工具式支撑系统是装配式结构安装专业化施工的有效尝试,符合住宅产业化 绿色施工的发展方向. [关键词]住宅工程;支撑系统;预制;构件;安装 [中图分类号]TU323 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2011)22-0083-03 Application of Instrumental Supporting System in Installation of Precast Components Zhang Peng' Chi Kai? (1.Beijing Building Construction Research Institute Co.Lad.Beijing 100039 China; 2.General Contracting Department of Beijing Construction Engineering Group Co. Lid. Beijing 100055 China) Abstract:The structural features of instrumental supporting system is introduced.The characteristics and theory of PC-V-GZC system and PC-H-GZC system are described.Combined with some project construction process and key points of instrumental supporting system in installation of prefabricated external wall precast suspending window and posite floor slabs are introduced in detail.Authors put a focus on the early removal construction technology for posite floor slabs.The attempt for prefabricated structure in instrumental supporting system is effective and can meet the development direction of housing industry and green construction. Key words:houses supporting system;precast;ponents;installation 随着装配式结构施工的逐步推广和安全设计需1.1PC-V-GZC系统 求的不断提高,对预制构件安装施工机具的要求越 PC-V-GZC系统主要包括丝杆、螺套、支撑杆、 来越高,由北京市建筑工程研究院研究开发的工具 ...
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