2012年9月上 施工技术 第41卷第372期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 103 建筑幕墙结构风荷载最小取值分析 姚金满,段洪涛 (浙江中南建设集团有限公司,浙江杭州310052) [摘要]深入介绍了幕墙结构的安全保证,并进行了幕墙结构的风荷载取值分析.建筑幕墙的风荷载取值,应考虑 地面粗糙度按阵风荷截计算取值,而不应规定最小值.可以借鉴高层建筑对风荷载的处理方法,设计幕墙结构承 载能力并进行变形计算,但应考虑加强幕墙构件的节点连接,即节点连接设计时考虑反力增大系数,从而达到既安 全又经济的双重效果. [关键词]幕墙;粗糙度测量;最小取值;荷载 [中图分类号]TU399 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2012)17-0103-03 Analysis of the Minimum Value of Wind Load for Curtain Wall Structure Yao Jinman Duan Hongtao (Zhejiang Zhongnan Construction Group Co.Ltd. Hangzhou Zhejiang 310052 China) Abstract:The authors introduce safety assurance for curtain wall structure and analyze wind load value of curtain wall structure.The gust load for ground roughness should be considered for wind load value of curtain wall structure the minimum value of wind load should not be regulated.The bearing capacity and deformation of curtain wall structure can be designed by using experience of wind load processing method of tall building for reference but joint connection strengthening curtain wall ponents should be considered that is to say amplifying coefficient of reaction should be considered when joint connection is designed which is a safe and economic method. Key words:curtain walls;roughness measurement;the minimum value;load 建筑幕墙结构设计时,风荷载作用是应考虑的定阵风荷载标准值: 最主要因素.我国荷载规范把地面粗糙度分为A (1) B C D4类,其影响着作用于建筑物表面的风速及 式中:w为50年一遇的基本风压(kN/m2);B为阵 风荷载取值;作为建筑物外挂装饰-幕墙围护结构, 风系数,是与粗糙度有关的计算参数;,为风压高 安全系数可稍低于主体结构.幕墙技术规范第 度变化系数,是与粗糙度有关的计算参数;局部折 5.3.2条规定,风荷载标准值均应≥1.0kN/m2.不 算体型系数μ是常数,当受荷面积1m2≤A...