2012年3月上 施工技术 第41卷第360期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 89 管桩水泥土复合基桩工程应用研究 宋义仲,程海涛,卜发东,马凤生 (山东省建筑科学研究院,山东济南250031) [摘要]管桩水泥土复合基柱是一种获得国家发明专利的新桩型,由高喷搅拌水泥土桩与同心植人的高强预应力 管桩优化匹配复合而成.结合聊城某工程实例,首先介绍了桩基设计及优化过程;然后分析了施工机械及工艺,提 出了喷浆工艺沉桩时间间隔、桩位偏差控制等关键技术;最后应用效果表明,管桩水泥土复合基桩单桩承载力、桩 位偏差均满足设计与规范要求,与同地区钻孔灌注桩相比施工效率基本相当,造价降低约35%. [关键词]桩基础;管桩;水泥土;复合基桩;承载力;施工技术 [中图分类号]TU472.32 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2012)05-0089-03 Study on Engineering Application of Composite Pile Made up of Jet-mixing Cement and PHC with Core Concrete Song Yizhong Cheng Haitao Bu Fadong Ma Fengsheng (Shandong Provincial Academy of Building Research Ji'nan Shandong 250031 China) Abstract:Composite pile made up of jet-mixing cement and PHC with core concrete CPCP)is a new kind of piles which has been granted invention patent of China.The CPCP consists of external jet-mixing cement pile and PHC in the inner core.The design and optimum of CPCP is introduced at first bined with engineering application in Liaocheng.Construction equipments and process of CPCP are analyzed then.Key construction techniques such as grouting process reasonable time of sinking PHC and controlling method of CPCP offsetting are proposed.At last application effects show that bearing capacity and offsetting of CPCP can meet the requirements of design and national codes.Compared with bored piles in soft soil engineering cost of CPCP decreases by 35%with basically same construction efficiency. Key words:pile foundations;pipe piles;cement-soil;posite foundation pil...
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