施工技术 2011年11月下 38 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第40卷第353期 钢框架组合模板V形墩施工技术 李凯,常进,范良,田云涛2,冯波2 (1.北京市市政工程研究院,北京100037;2.北京市公路桥梁建设集团有限公司,北京100037) [摘要]根据房山五渡桥工程施工难点,通过介绍钢框架组合模板的基本原理,提出采用钢框架组合模板技术进行 大体积变截面V形墩施工的方案.通过标准件和异形模板组合解决了各支墩施工中高度高、水平倾斜角度大且各 不一致的问题.详细介绍了钢框架组合模版V形墩施工流程及方法,以及混凝土的浇筑过程.此项技术取得良好 质量和经济效益. [关键词]桥梁工程;组合模板;钢框架;V形墩;浇筑 【中图分类号]TU755.2 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2011)22-0038-03 Construction of Composite Formwork with Steel Frame for V-shaped Pier Li Kai' Chang Jin' Fan Liang' Tian Yuntao? Feng Bo2 (1.Beijing Municipal Engineering Research Institute Beijing 100037 China; 2.Beijing Roads and Bridges Construction Group Co.Lad.Beijing 100037 China) Abstract:The construction difficulties of Fangshan Wudu Bridge are put forward.Based on the formwork basic theory posite formwork with steel frame is adopted in the large volume V-shaped pier with variable cross-section.The problems of large construction height large horizontal inclined angle and different angle in each pier are solved by the bination of standardized steel frame and special parts. Construction process and method of posite formwork with steel frame for V-shaped pier and concrete pouring are introduced.The good quality and economical benefits are gained. Key words:bridges;posite formworks;steel frames:V-shaped piers;pouring 1工程概况 横向壁厚1.0m 中腹板厚2.0m.承台顶墩身宽 房山五渡桥位于北京市房山十渡风景区涞宝 8.0m 厚度方向高为5.0m.支点墩盖梁顶横桥向 路,跨越拒马河,是一座新型景观桥.五渡桥主桥为宽约16.9m 纵向水平宽约4.9m;由于纵坡影响,2 三角刚架悬吊连续梁组合桥,分为左、右幅,单幅桥 号支点墩高为9.6m 外倾水平角为37°;3号支点墩 宽9.5m 全长173m...
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