2016年11月上 施工技术 第45卷第21期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 99 D0I:10.7672/5gj52016210099 钢管托换取代传统换撑方式拆除深基坑内支撑技术 陈洁1,陈为2,李凤伟,刘创3 (1.中建三局集团有限公司(北京),北京100026;2.四川省兴华工程项目管理有限公司,四川成都610000: 3.中建三局集团有限公司大项目管理公司,北京100026) [摘要]某工程工期紧张,其运用钢管托换技术替换传统换撑施工方案,成功换撑、拆撑,克服了常见换撑方式拆除 钢筋混凝土内支撑所引起的施工周期长和人员窝工等弊端,拓展了支护桩钢筋混凝土内支撑在深基坑支护中的 应用优势,效果显著. [关键词]深基坑;支撑;拆撑;钢管托换;支护桩;施工技术 [中图分类号]TU473.2 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2016)21-0099-04 Technology of Steel Pipe Underpinning Technology to Replace Traditional Demolition of Lateral Bracing of Deep Foundation Excavation Chen Jie' Chen Wei? Li Fengwei' Liu Chuang (1.China Construction Third Engineering Bureau Group Co.Lad.Beijing) Beijing 100026 China; 2.Sichuan Province Xinghua Engineering Project Management Co.Lid.Chengdu Sichuan 610000 China; 3.China Construction Third Engineering Bureau Group Co.Ltd.High-end Management Corporation Beijing 100026 China) Abstract:Because of limit period a project applied steel pipe underpinning technology to replace traditional demolition scheme which overe the disadvantages caused by the mon way in supporting to demolish the lateral bracing of the reinforeed concrete such as long construetion period and work stoppages.This technology expands the application advantage in deep foundation excavation supporting of the supporting pile and lateral bracing of the reinforced concrete the effect is remarkable. Key words:deep foundation excavation;supports;support demolition;steel pipe underpinning;support pile;construction 0引言 期目标. 在众多...
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