2014年4月下 施工技术 第43卷第8期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 31 D0I:10.7672/5j52014080031 钢管柱外包环梁预拼装整体吊装技术 刘海东,王伟,孙伟波,陈诚,邓世强 (中建三局集团有限公司,湖北武汉430000) [摘要]华创国际广场工程1号塔楼地下室钢管柱通过外包环梁结构与钢筋混凝土结构连接固定,环梁钢筋加工 及绑扎难度大,且工程体量大、工期紧、质量要求高.针对具体情况,工程采用新型环梁预拼装整体吊装技术,论述 了环梁从施工前的深化设计到使用阶段的相应原理,重点介绍了施工过程中一些注意事项和处理问题的经验方 法.实践表明,应用该新型技术,能够保证环梁成型质量,满足工期要求. [关键词]钢结构;钢管柱;环梁;预拼装;整体吊装;钢筋 「中图分类号1TU758.11 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2014)08-0031-03 The Pre-assembly and Integral Hoisting Technology for Steel-tube Column with Outer Ring Beam Liu Haidong Wang Wei Sun Weibo Chen Cheng Deng Shiqiang (China Construction Third Engineering Bureau Group Co.Lid.Wuhan Hubei 430000 China) Abstract:The steel-tube column in the basement of the No.1 tower building in Huachuang International Plaza project is connected and fixed with RC structure by wrapping ring beam structure.The reinforcement fabrication and banding of the ring beam is very difficult.The project amount is large the construction period is tight and the quality requirement is high.Based on the practical condition a new ring beam pre-assembly and integral hoisting technology is adopted.This paper discusses principle of the ring beam from detailed design to working stage importantly introduces some attentions during construction and some experience method during problem treatment.The practice shows that the new technology can meet forming quality of the ring beam and construction period requirement. Key words:steel structures;steel-tube column;ring beam;pre-assembly;integral...