2012年6月下 施工技术 第41卷第367期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 57 高填方渠道膨胀土(岩)换填技术 张振华,朱云飞 (武警水电第二总队五支队,江苏常州213031) [摘要]南水北调中线一期工程某标段渠道工程膨胀土(岩)段占明渠总长的52.7%,集道基础土质不稳定,无法 直接进行混凝土衬砌施工.通过工程实际和地质分析,确定采用非膨胀土换填技术进行处理,并详细介绍了非影 胀土土料试验、换填施工流程和施工工序.结果表明,该施上工艺有效提高了渠道基础的稳定性,施工工期,成本 得到有效控制. [关键词]果道;高填方;换填祛;膨胀土;稳定性 [中图分类号]TU472.2:TV554 [文献标识码]A[文章编号]1002-8498(2012)120057-03 Replacing and Filling Technology of Expansive Soil(Rock)for High Filled Channel Zhang Zhenhua Zhu Yunfei No.5 Detachment No.2 Hydropower Faree of Armed Police Changahou Jiangsu 213031.China) Abstract:The soil of channel foundation is unstable and concrete lining construction ean't be done directly because more than half length of open channel i话expensive soil(rock)in channel project of South-to-north Water Diversion.Based on the engineering practice and geological analysis the replacing and filling technology with non-expansive soil is adopted and the non-expansive soil testing replacing and filling process and progress are introduced in detail.The results show that this method can improve the stability of channel foundation ensure the construction time and reduce construction cost. Key words channelling;high filled;replacing and filling method;expensive soil;stability 1工程概况 时兼顾其他宏观物理特征和指标,分为弱、中、强膨 南水北调中线一期工程某标段位于华北平原胀土3种.主要划分依据:自由膨胀率>90%为具 西部边缘与太行山麓交接部位,穿行于山前丘陵地 有强膨胀潜势;自由膨胀率60%~90%为中等膨胀 带,主要地貌单元有丘前冲(坡)洪积斜地亚类、软 潜势;自由膨胀率40%~65%为弱膨胀潜势;自由 岩丘陵亚类和山前冲洪积裙亚类3大类.该标段明 膨胀率<40%为不具强膨胀潜势. 渠总长13.077km 其中渠道膨胀土(岩)段 因膨胀土(岩)具有干燥收缩、吸水膨胀和强度 6.893km 占明渠总长的52...
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