施工技术 2011年4月上 74 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第40卷第338期 高承压含水层中更换盾尾刷长距离液氮冻结技术 陈成,杨平,张婷,史志铭2 (1.南京林业大学土木工程学院,江苏南京210037;2.中煤五建集团公司上海分公司,上海200135) [摘要]以杭州庆春路过江隧道为例,论述了长距离液氮冻结需要解决的关键技术,介绍了该工程的冻结参数设 计、施工工艺以及测温系统布设与冻土帷幕判断、盾尾刷更换应具备的条件、强制解冻设计及盾构重新推进条件判 断等.结果表明,长距离液氮冻结在封水应用中有着显著成效,与注浆法和盐水冻结法相比技术可靠、安全性好、 节约工期,解决了承压含水层中封水更换盾尾刷的难题. [关键词]盾构;长距离液氮冻结;高承压含水层;冻结参数;冻结帷幕;盾尾刷更换 [中图分类号]U455.43 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2011)07-0074-04 Technology of Long-distance Liquid Nitrogen Freezing in Replacing Shield Tail Brushes in High-confined Aquifer Chen Cheng' Yang Ping' Zhang Ting' Shi Zhiming? (1.School of Cinil Engineering.Nanjing Forestry University.Nanjing Jiangsu 210037 China; 2.Shanghai Branch The Fijfth China Coal Construction Company Shanghai 200135 China) Abstract:Based on Qingchun Road cross-river tunnel of Hangzhou the key technologies of long-distance liquid nitrogen freezing are obtained.The project design construction techniques layout of temperature measurement system thickness of frozen soil determination the qualifications of shield tail brush replacement pulsory thaw design and the condition of shield to re-promote are introduced.The results show that long-distance liquid nitrogen freezing has a significant effect in sealing water.Compared with grouting method and brine freezing the technology is reliable safe and saving time limit.It has resolved the confined aquifer in the shield tail sealing water replacement brush problem. Key words:shield;long-distance liquid nitrogen freezing;hi...