2010年12月 施工技术 第39卷第12期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 71 高支撑体系抗侧刚度对结构稳定性的影响分析 卫超,孙昌玲 (合肥工业大学土木与水利工程学院,安徽合肥230009) [摘要]高支撑体系主要应用在大跨度、大空间结构中,由于其抗侧刚度不足,易发生整体失稳.为了解决高支撑 体系失稳问题,应用钢结构稳定理论,对其整体稳定进行研究.首先研究高支撑体系抗侧刚度对其稳定性的影响, 其次对不同抗侧刚度的高支撑体系进行有限元分析.结果表明,高支撑体系的抗侧刚度决定其整体稳定性.因此 在工程中设计高支撑体系时,必须根据建筑结构的特点,选择合理的侧向支撑形式,提高其抗侧刚度. [关键词]临界荷载;高支撑体系;整体稳定;抗侧刚度;节点刚度 [中图分类号]TU311;TU731.2 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2010)12-0071-04 Influence Analysis of Lateral Rigidity on Structural Stability in High Support System Wei Chao Sun Changling School of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering Hefei University of Technology Hefei Anhui 230009 China) Abstract:High support system is mainly used in large-span and large-space structures.Because of their lack of lateral rigidity overall instability can occur easily.In order to solve the instability problem of high support system its overall stability is studied by applying stable theory of steel structures.First the influence of lateral rigidity on stability is researched followed with finite element analysis for the different lateral rigidity of different high support systems.The resuits show that lateral rigidity plays an important role in its overall stability.Therefore in engineering design of high support system the characteristics of building structure must be accorded and reasonable form of lateral support to increase its lateral rigidity should be used. Key words:critical load high support system;overall stability;lateral rigidity joint rigidity 1压杆失稳临界力与抗侧刚度的关系 当抗侧总刚度K.=0时...