2012年12月上 施工技术 第41卷第378期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 59 高温天气下水泥沥青砂浆的工作性能 调整与灌注技术 刘云鹏,王发洲 (武汉理工大学硅酸盐建筑材料国家重点实验室,湖北武汉430070) [摘要]针对高湿天气下水泥沥青砂浆施工经常出现的工作性能损失过快及施工灌注困难等问题,从材料学原理 及施工工艺两方面分析了原因并介绍了相应的解决思路与施工技术,即通过控制水泥的水化速率及提高乳化沥青 的水泥适应性改善砂浆的耐高温性能,通过控制原材料温度及对预湿工艺和灌注节奏进行管控来解决高温下施工 困难的问题,这有效地保证了高温天气复杂工况下水泥沥青砂浆工作性能调整及施工. [关键词]铁路工程;水泥沥青砂浆;灌注;施工技术 [中图分类号]TU578.1;U213.24 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2012)23-0059-04 Adjustment of Workability and Grouting Technique for CAM Construction Under High Temperature Liu Yunpeng Wang Fazhou State Key Laboratory of Silicate Materials for Architecture Wuhan University of Technology Wuhan Hubei 430070 China) Abstract:The workability of CAM is often greatly influenced by high air temperature and caused difficulty for the grouting process.The reasons were analyzed from the perspectives of both the materials science and construction technique.The solution methods were also proposed including improving the heat resistance of mortar by controlling the cement hydration rate and improving the cement patibility of asphalt emulsion controlling the temperature of raw materials and controlling the pre-wetting and grouting process.These measures successfully ensured the CAM workability adjustment and construction under high temperature. Key words:railway engineering;cement asphalt mortars;pouring;construction 水泥沥青砂浆是应用于高速铁路板式无砟轨问题.因此,《客运专线铁路板式无砟轨道水泥沥 道充填层的一种关键结构材料,其由水泥、乳化沥青砂浆暂行技术规范》中对水泥沥青砂浆的原材料 青、细骨料及各种外加剂组成,主要起弹性减振、调 温度及施工环境温度都有严格的要求(原料储存温 整轨道精度、支撑列车重的作用,对保证轨道平顺 度及施工温度...