施工技术 2010年10月 12 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第39卷第10期 高耸钢结构施工方法的特点及发展 马人乐,梁峰2,黄鑫 (1 同海大学建工程系,上海200092:2.同济大学建筑设计研究乾,上海200092) [摇]介了近年高鲜铜结中防腐和栓防松两个方面发展的况.防腐钟方面样细介海了热漫和热喷 貂爱含涂用方法,以皮喜百的用范围和术标准.螺栓防松方面行对法兰、抗剪连接和柔性插杆等接腾点, 规出了针对性的防松.这些运用于客种高鲜铜结构施工护方法对其它形武的结构设计、施工和建造有一 定作用. [关键调]高鲜铜结构:施工方法:防腐领:螺栓防粉 [中分类]TU3 [支献标识]A [立章编号]1002-8498(2010)10-0012-03 Construction Characteristics and Development of Construction Methods of Steel High Rising Structures Ma Renle' Liang Feng Huang Xin' (1.Department of Building Engineering Tongji University Shanghai 200092 China: 2.Architecture Design and Research Institute of Tongji University Shanghai 200092 China) Abstract:The development of the anti-corrosion and locking of bolts of steel high rising structures is introduced.Two mon anti-corrosion treatments which are hot dip galvanizing treatment and thermo- spray posite coating of Zn-Al as well as the seopes of application and specifications of the two anti- corrosion treatments are introdueed in detail.Different locking treatments of bolts in the conneetions of the high rising structures are introduced.The construction and maintainance methods of steel high rising structures are introduced to provide reference for design construction of other steel structures. Key words:steel high rising structure:construction method:anti-corrosion treatments:locking of bolt 近二十年来国高茸钢结构的发展异常迅狂,备1高鲜钢传构的结构体系及其建造方法特点 年都有大量的翰电塔、通信诺、电视塔和风力发电塔等 高茸钢构一般有盘臂柱状结构(单霍通塔, 建成,而且设计、建造技术日超成熟.运些高茸钢构见图1a)、空间粉架结构(如钢结构电视塔,见图1)、 在国民生计中发着不...
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