2013年2月下 施工技术 第42卷第4期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 61 D0I:10.7672/sgis201304006I 高铝水泥对水泥基自流平砂浆性能影响研究 霍利强 (北京联合荣大工程材料有限责任公司,北京101400) [摘要]研究了普通硅酸盐水泥和高铝水泥在水泥基自流平砂浆中,二者不同掺比变化对砂浆部分性能的影响. 结果表明:水泥总量为30%的自流平砂浆中,普通硅酸盐水泥掺量增加,高铝水泥掺量减少时,流动值损失由小变 大,最后再变小;凝结时间与其呈反比例关系.普通硅酸盐水泥不断增加,但掺量仍低于高铝水泥时,28d抗压与 抗折强度逐渐下降,当掺量超过高铝水泥后,28d抗压强度逐渐上升,抗折强度发展平缓. [关键词]水泥;砂浆;自流平砂浆;高铝水泥 [中图分类号]TU578.1 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2013)04-0061-03 Research on the Influence of High Alumina Cement on Cementitious Self-leveling Mortar Huo Liqiang (Beijing Allied Rongda Engineering Material Co. Ltd.Beijing 101400 China) Abstract:The influences of high alumina cement and ordinary Portland cement with different adding ratios on cementitious self-leveling mortar performance are researched.The result shows when the total cement content is 30%in cementitious self-leveling mortar the flow value loss is changed form little to big then beginning to little again with the high alumina cement content reducing and the setting time have an inverse proportion relation with the cement content.When the content of ordinary Portland cement is increased but still below the content of high alumina cement the pressive strength and bending strength at 28 days is reduced.When the content of ordinary Portland cement exceeds the content of high alumina cement the pressive strength at 28 days is increased and the flexural strength developes. Key words:cement;mortar self-leveling mortar;high alumina cement 0引言 型4个40mm×40mm×160mm三连模,用来做抗折 地面用水泥基自流平砂浆...
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