施工技术 2016年6月下 124 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第45卷第12期 D0I:10.7672/sgjs2016120124 基于ECOTECT软件的绿色建筑评价标准研究 王晓许,祝连波 (兰州交通大学土木工程学院,甘肃兰州730070) [摘要]介绍了目前国内外关于绿色建筑评价方法的研究现状,归纳出基于ECOTECT软件的新绿色建筑评价方 法.基于ECOTECT软件的评价方法不仅能将绿色建筑评价指标进行量化,而且可以在建筑设计阶段对建筑方案 进行绿色度的分析和改进.同时介绍了由REVIT构建的BIM模型导人ECOTECT分析软件的方法,以及导入的模 型在ECOTECT中进行光环境和热环境分析的步骤.为绿色建筑评价的定量研究探索了新思路. [关键词]项目管理;绿色建筑;信息化;BIM;评价标准 [中图分类号]TU17 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2016)12-0124-05 Study on Evaluation Standard of Green Building Based on ECOTECT Software Wang Xiaoxu Zhu Lianbo (School of Civil Engineering Lanzhou Jiaotong University Lanzhou Gansu 730070 China) Abstract:This paper introduces the current domestic and foreign research on the evaluation method of green building and summarizes the new green building evaluation method based on ECOTECT software. The evaluation method based on ECOTECT software can quantify the evaluation index of green building and can also analyze and improve the green degree of architectural design in the architectural design phase of the building process.The REVIT model constructed by BIM is also introduced into the ECOTECT analysis software with inclusion of the model in the ECOTECT light environment and thermal environment analysis steps.This research on green building evaluation is carried out mainly for the purpose of exploring new ideas. Key words:project management;green buildings;information;building information modeling BIM); evaluation standard 近年来国内学者关于绿色建筑的研究大多集算中采用生态足迹分析法、熵权法和TOPSIS法,定 中在提出新的绿色建筑评价方法:...
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