2015年9月下 施工技术 第44卷第18期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 77 D0I:10.7672/5j52015180077 基于协同工作平台的市政工程项目管理系统分析 毕宇清1 2,申琪玉,郭兵2 (1.华南理工大学土木与交通学院,广东广州510641;2.广州市净水有限公司,广东广州510600) [摘要]随着建设项目日趋大型化、复杂化,信息的共享与交流渠道成为项目成功的重要保证,现代建设项目管理 正在向集成化、信息化的方向发展,建设基于各参与方协同工作的工程项目管理信息系统可以成为有效进行项目 集成管理的工具.通过广州深隧工程的具体案例,在剖析项目风险的基础上进行市政工程项目管理系统建设的需 求分析,并介绍了基于协同工作平台的信息管理系统的总体思路和架构设计,为集成化信息系统的建设打下基础. [关键词]市政工程;项目管理;协同工作;管理系统 [中图分类号]TU990.05 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2015)18-0077-04 Project Management System Analysis of Municipal Engineering Based on Cooperative Work Platform Bi Yuqing'.2 Shen Qiyu' Guo Bing? (1.School of Civil Engineering and Transportation South China Unirersity of Technology Guangzhou Guangdong 510641 China;2.Guangzhou Secage Purification Co.Lad.Guangzhou Guangdong 510600 China) Abstract:Since construction projects gain an obvious increase in the perspective of scale and plexity information sharing and munication channels have already bee a guarantee of effective project pletion.Modern construction project management nowadays is developing towards the trend of being integrated and informative.Project management information system based on the collaborative work with participants therefore turns out to be a efficient tool for integrated project management.On the basis of analyzing project risks this paper aims to conduct a demand analysis of engineering project management system through a list of specific cases of tunnel engineering in Guangzhou.Furthermore it also introduces an ove...
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