施工技术 2016年5月下 18 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第45卷第10期 D0I:10.7672/8js2016100018 广州东塔核心筒先于梁板施工相关问题研究 刘永策 (奥雅纳工程咨询有限公司,广东广州510620) [摘要]超高层建筑一般采用墙柱和梁板不同步施工,这直接导致了钢筋后错固施工、与结构设计假设不相同的施 工临时结构承载力复核等各种复杂新问题.介绍了广州东塔核心筒先于梁板施工的施工方法,特别介绍了梁板钢 筋后施工的各种处理方法,对规范各种植筋深度进行分析讨论;分析了墙柱和梁板的不同步施工带来的各种施工 临时结构安全问题.建议全面采用施工模拟分析技术对实际的施工工况进行分析,以理论分析结果指导实际施 工,提高施工阶段临时结构的结构安全可靠度. [关键词]高层建筑;不同步施工;核心筒;施工模拟;植筋 [中图分类号]TU745.1[文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2016)10-0018-04 The Research of Construction of Core-tube Elements Prior to Horizontal Beam Slab Structure and Related Issues of Guangzhou East Tower Liu Yongce (Arup International Consultants Co.Ltd.Guangzhou Guangdong 510620 China) Abstract:In general out-of-step construction of mail structural element such as core-wall column beam and slab usually is used in construction of super high-rise building.Then it results in all kinds of new plex problems such as anchor after reinforcement bearing eapacity check of temporary structure during the construction phase that is different from design initial hypothesis of structural design engineer. The construction process in that core-tube elements build prior to horizontal beam slab especially all sorts of treatment methods of the construction method are introduced.At the same time all sorts of anchorage depth of codes and the structural safety problem of temporary structures during the construction phase that resulted from out-of-step construction of as core-wall column beam and slab are analyzed.It is advised that construc...