施工技术 2016年6月上 98 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第45卷第11期 D0I:10.7672/8js2016110098 韩国某深基坑支护工程可拆式锚索类型选择研究 赵业保,叶军,薛永彬 (中国建筑第八工程局有限公司海外事业部,上海200135) [摘要]韩国海云台LT综合体项目深基坑支护工程,具有基坑开挖深、开挖体量大、断面分散、场地狭小、地下水 位高和环境保护严格的特点,为保证深基坑支护的整体安全性与可靠性,工程采用地下连续墙与可拆除式铺索作 为主要的支护体系.从试验施工,经济性分析、现场施工状况等角度对2类锚索进行了分析比较,阐述了错索选型 的要点,明确了本工程施工用错索的类别,为错索的合理选型积累了经验. [关键词]深基坑;支护;错索;选型 [中图分类号]TU753 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2016)11-0098-04 Type Selection Research of Removable Anchor Cable for Deep Foundation Excavation Support Project in Korean Zhao Yebao Ye Jun Xue Yongbin Overseas Business Division of China Construction Eighth Engineering Dirision Co.Ld.Shanghai 200135 China) Abstract:The deep foundation excavation project found in Haeundae LCT project has some characteristics including deep excavation large amounts of excavation narrow construction site high underground water level tough environmental rules and the shape of land where cutting surface is widely distributed.For the security and safety of deep foundation exeavation diaphragm wall and removable anchor cable were adopted as the support system.This paper pared two types of anchor cables from the test construction economic analysis on-site construction status and other perspectives introduced the key point of the anchor cable selection and confirmed the anchor cable used for construction which accumulated the experience for rational selection of anchor cable. Key words:deep foundation excavation;supports;anchor cables;type selection 1工程概况 基于实际工程条件,选用止水帷幕、...
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