施工技术 2013年7月上 52 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第42卷第13期 D0I:10.7672/8gjs2013130052 化学改性法处理盐渍土地基试验研究 殷帛成,顾强康1,徐桑振,李强2,屈波1 (1.空军工程大学航空航天工程学院,陕西西安710038;2.沈空察设计院,辽宁沈阳110015) [摘要]许多处理过的盐渍土地基会发生二次盐渍化从而导致路基再次出现盐渍土病害,而地下水含盐量大则是 土体发生二次盐渍化的根本原因.首先将土样置于一定浓度的盐溶液中进行毛细水上升试验以模拟实际二次盐 渍化过程,之后进行盐胀试验测量土体的盐胀率,将试验土样的压实度、CaCl2掺量、Na2SO 水溶液浓度设为控制 变量,通过试验数据的对比分析得出这3个因素对使用CaC12抑制硫酸盐渍土地基二次盐渍化效果的影响. [关键词]地基;盐渍土;盐胀率;硫酸盐;氯化钙;试验 [中图分类号]TU448 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2013)13-0052-04 The Test Study of Salty Soil Foundation Treatment with Chemical Modified Method Yin Bocheng' Gu Qiangkang' Xu Sangzhen' Li Qiang? Qu Bo' (1.College of Aeronautics and Astronautics Engineering Air Force Engineering University Xi'an Shaanxi 710038 China; 2.Survey and Design Institute of Shenyang Military Region Air Force Shenyang Liaoning 110015 China) Abstract:Much treated salty soil of highway foundations often occurs secondary salinization and causes saline soil diseases again.The fundamental reason is the excessive groundwater salinity.In order to study the impact of the effect of using CaCl to inhibit the secondary salinization of sulphate salty soil ground the soil paction CaCl dosage and Na SO solution concentration will be set to the control variables. This paper simulated the process of secondary salinization by doing capillary water rise tests and detected salty inflation rate of the soil by doing salt expansion tests. Key words:foundations;salty soil;salt heaving rate;sulphate;calcium chloride;test 根据盐成分的不同,盐渍土可分为氯盐渍土、区的...
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