施工技术 2010年12月 94 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第39卷第12期 后拆支撑法在超高建筑地下结构施工中的应用 张冰 (上海市机械施工有限公司,上海200072) [摘要]结合工程实例,介绍了在超高层建筑地下结构施工中,采用先施工地下结构,待上部主体结构施工至一定 高度时,再采用爆破技术从下到上依次拆除地下室内钢筋混凝土支撑的施工方法,从而加快了施工进度,满足 了工期要求,也有利于深基坑安全.后拆支撑设计中,对基坑围护初步方案进行优化,由中部十字对撑四周边桁架 方案改为中部圆形环梁四周边桁架.重点介绍了地下结构施工工艺以及室内爆破和主体结构保护措施. [关键词]后拆支撑;室内爆破;深基坑:地下结构 [中图分类号]TU744.5;TU753.6 [文献标识码]A[文章编号]1002-8498(2010)12-0094-03 Application of Late-dismantling Support Method in Underground Structure Construction of Super High-rise Building Zhang Bing (Shanghai Mechanized Construction Co.Iad.Shanghai 200072 China) Abstract:Combining with the engineering practice the construction method for underground structure for high-rise building is introduced which is that carrying out the underground structure construction first then utilizing blasting technology to dismantle all reinforced concrete supports inside the basement from the bottom up after the main superstructure reaches a certain height.This construction method not only expedites the construction schedule and satisfies the construction period requirement but also guarantees the safety of the deep foundation excavation.In design of late-dismantling support scheme the original retaining scheme for foundation excavation is optimized of which the scheme of middle circle beam and periphery truss is used instead of middle cross-shaped support and periphery truss.Furthermore the construction technologies for underground structure indoor blasting and protecting of main structure ...
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