2017年6月上 施工技术 第46卷第11期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 43 D0I:10.7672/5j52017110043 固化粉土底基层力学特性分析* 张孝彬,朱志铎,谭敏 (东南大学岩土工程研究所,江苏南京210096) [摘要]选择石灰粉煤灰、石灰粉煤灰水泥、石灰水泥、SEU-2型固化剂4种外掺剂,对粉土进行固化以作 为公路底基层.使用BISAR程序建立路面结构的计算模型,计算在车辆荷载作用下固化粉土底基层的拉应力和拉 应变,通过弯拉应力验算,检验固化粉土底基层的抗拉强度是否满足要求,并且比较4种外掺剂的固化效果.研究 结果表明,底基层的厚度和抗压回弹模量对底基层的力学特性有较大影响,固化粉土底基层结构的优化参数为厚 度15cm 抗压回弹模量1100MPa:固化粉土底基层的抗拉强度满足设计要求,且SEU-2型固化剂的固化效果优于 其他3种外掺剂. [关键词]公路工程;底基层;力学特性:粉土;外掺剂 [中图分类号]U416.2 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2017)11-0043-04 Analysis of Mechanical Properties of Cured Silt Subbase ZHANG Xiaobin.ZHU Zhiduo.TAN Min (Institute of Geotechnical Engineering Southeast University Nanjing Jiangsu 210096 China) Abstract:In this study four kinds of additional agents:lime fly ash fly ash lime cement lime cement and SEU-2 curing agent were selected for curing silt as road subbase.Using BISAR putational model of pavement was established to obtain tensile stress and tensile strain of cured silt subbase under vehicle load.Then tensile stress was checked to see if the tensile strength of cured silt subbase met the requirements and curing effect of the additional agents was pared.The results show that thickness and pressive resilient modulus have a great influence on the mechanical properties of subbase and optimized parameters of cured silt subbase are obtained:thickness 15cm pressive resilient modulus 1 100MPa;tensile strength of cured silt subbase can meet design requirements and curing effect of SEU-2 curing agent is better t...
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