2010年11月 施工技术 第39卷第11期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 25 国内既有建筑改造结构与功能材料的 应用及发展 张小冬,黄莹 (中国建筑科学研究院,北京100013) [摘要]目前,我国已进入既有建筑加固改造的高峰期,既有建筑改造结构与功能材料是既有建筑改造的物质基 础,其性能是既有建筑改造质量能否得到保证的必要前提.当前,我国的技术水平为:①建筑结构胶起步较晚,发 展较快,产品质量参差不齐;②推进纤维复合材料国产化,提高材料质量以降低成本;③聚合物砂浆的应用前景好; ④钢筋阻锈剂的研究有明显进展,法律法规日趋完善.为适应经济建设的可持续发展,我国应对以下方面进行研 究:①高性能胶种的开发;②混杂纤维复合材料的发展与推广;③耐火型既有建筑改造结构与功能材料的研究. [关键词]既有建筑;结构与功能材料;加固;研究 [中图分类号]TU746.3 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2010)11-0025-05 Application of Structure and Functional Materials Used in Existing Building Renovation in China and Its Development Zhang Xiaodong Huang Ying (China Academy of Building Research Beijing 100013 China) Abstract:China has entered the period of frequent occurrence for the existing building renovation. Structure and functional materials are the main performance for existing building renovation which can assure its quality.Currently our country's technical level has several features:①The application of building glue is relatively late develops relatively quick and its quality is irregularity;②promoting fiber posites material domestically produced to improve material quality and decrease cost;③good application prospect for polymer mortar;④study on reinforcing bar rusty retardant agent makes a great progress.To meet the need of sustainable development on economic construction some works must be done such as development of high performance glues development and popularization on hybrid fiber reinforced polymer and study on refractory type structure and fun...
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