2015年5月上 施工技术 第44卷第9期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 115 D0l:10.7672/5gjs2015090115 基于强度折减法的格构锚杆边坡治理方案研究 朱卫东 (中铁一局集团有限公司,陕西西安710054) [摘要]定量分析边坡治理方案是保障高边坡治理后稳定性的重要措施.格构错杆作为一种有效实用的边坡加固 措施已广泛应用于高边坡的滑坡治理.结合实际工程,基于强度折减法理论,应用有限元软件ABAQUS定量分析 了错杆长度等关键参数对边坡稳定性、安全系数、位移场的影响规律.研究结果表明,边坡稳定安全系数随错杆长 度增加呈对数方式增长;当错固段长度从8m增至10m时,边坡滑动位移最大值显著增加,边坡抗变形能力明显提 高.研究成果为格构错杆治理方案的参数优化提供理论依据. [关键词]边坡;格构错杆;加固;强度折减法;有限元分析;锚杆长度 [中图分类号]U412 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2015)09-0115-04 Study on the Slope Treatment Scheme of Anchor Lattice Beam Based on the Strength Reduction Method Zhu Weidong (China Railseay First Group Co.Lid.Xi'an Shaanxi 710054.China) Abstract:Quantitative analysis of the slope treatment scheme is an important measure to ensure the stability of the high slope.As one of the most effective and practical measure of the slope treatment scheme anchor lattice beam has been widely applied in the landslide treatment of high slope.Combining with high slope engineering finite element software ABAQUS and strength reduction method are adopt to investigate the effect of the key parameters of anchor on the slope stability safety factor and displacement field.The research result shows that the slope stability safety coefficient appears a logarithm increase with the growth of anchor bar's length.Moreover while the anchoring length increases from 8m to 10m the maximum sliding displacement of slope increase significantly and deformation resistance of the high slope was improved significantly.Research results concluded...
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