施工技术 2010年11月 8 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第39卷第11期 广州珠江新城西塔施工测量及层间垂直度控制方法 郑宝铖,叶运安 (广州市建筑集团有限公司,广东广州510030) [摘要]广州珠江新城西塔工程主体采用筒中筒结构,为超高层建筑,施工测量和层间垂直度精度控制难度较大. 较详细地叙述了超高层建筑主体施工测量方案,包括提模钢平台顶面主要轴线控制,轴线竖向引测方法和放线步 骤.关于主体建筑的主要控制轴线竖向引测及钢模板定位技术具有创新性.同时指出施工测量具体流程,分析了 层间垂直度控制及其要求,使结构各项指标符合工程要求. [关键词]垂直度控制;提模钢平台;激光垂准仪;施工测量 [中图分类号]TU198 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2010)11-0008-03 Construction Survey and Control Method of Interlayer Verticality in Guangzhou Pearl River New Town West-tower Zheng Baocheng Ye Yun'an Guangzhou Municipal Construction Group Co.Ltd.Guangzhou Guangdong 510030 China) Abstract:Guangzhou Pear River New Town West-tower with a tube-in-tube structure belongs to super high-rise building.It is difficult to control the construction survey and interlayer verticality precision between the floors.The authors describe the main body of super high-rise building construction measurement schemes in detail such as the control of main axis in steel platform top surface for hoisting template the methods of axis for vertical measurement and the steps of setting out.It has innovation in the control of vertical measurement about mainly axis and steel template location.Idiographic flow of construction measurement is put forward as follow analyzing vertical precision between the floors and its requirement then the various index accord with engineering requirements. Key words:verticality control;steel platform for hoisting template;laser verticality machine; construction survey 1工程概况 广州珠江新城西塔工程...