施工技术 2014年8月下 48 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第43卷第16期 D01:10.7672/sjs2014160048 海岸桩基建筑物纠倾工程分析 李宇捷 (中国地质大学(北京)海洋学院,北京100083) [摘要]海岸桩基建筑物纠倾工程是一项复杂的系统工程,需要因地制宜地进行研究.讨论了海岸工程地质条件 和水文地质条件,分析了海岸桩基建筑物倾斜原因及其纠倾工程设计施工特点,通过两则实例揭示了风暴与潮汐 对桩基建筑物纠倾工程的影响,探讨了地下水、地基土、桩基础及荷载变化的相互关系,提出了及时规避台风和大 潮的措施. [关键词]海岸场地;桩基;纠倾 [中图分类号]TU746.3 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2014)16-0048-04 Analysis on Incline-rectifying Engineering of Coastal Building with Pile Foundation Li Yujie (School of Ocean Sciences China Unitersity of Geosciences Beijing) Beijing 100083 China Abstract:It is a plex systematic engineering to correct the leaning coastal building with pile foundation on which the studies shall be prepared according to practical condition.The engineering geology condition and hydrogeological conditions in coastal site are discussed.Then slant reasons of coastal building with pile foundation are analyzed the design and construction characteristics of incline- rectifying engineering are put forward.The windstorm and tide influence on incline-rectifying engineering are researched by two engineering examples.The relationships of groundwater foundation soil pile foundation and time varying load are discussed and the avoidance measures of windstorm and tide are advanced. Key words:coastal site:piles;rectification 随着我国城市化进程的发展,沿海城镇逐渐向 裸露.我国的基岩海岸多由花岗岩、玄武岩、石英 滨海平原地区推进,海岸建筑随之增加.但由于海 岩、石灰岩等组成.海岸基岩强度较高,压缩性低, 岸地质条件特殊性以及设计施工等方面的原因,一 其节理与裂隙比较发育. 些海岸桩基建筑物出现了倾斜等建筑病害.海岸 砂质海岸多形成于海湾内,主要由砂砾组成, 桩基建筑物纠倾工程具有地域性强、时空效应显 平原地貌发育.其中,砾石、粗砂的抗剪...