施工技术 2012年10月上 68 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第41卷第374期 灰土挤密桩法和强夯法处理,湿陷性 黄土地基的效果对比 郭小云,王敏,闫嘉庆,相兴华,白晓红 (太原理工大学建筑与土木工程学院,山西太原030024) [摘要]为研究不同方法对湿陷性黄土地基的处理效果,结合平阳高速公路建设实例,介绍了灰土挤密桩法和强夯 法在湿陷性黄土地基处理中的应用,并且通过室内试验分析比较地基加固前后的物理力学指标变化值,对单击夯 击能为1000 2000kNm的强夯法和灰土挤密桩法处理湿陷性黄土路基的效果进行了对比.结果显示,这两种不同 能级的强夯处理和灰土挤密柱法都可以提高土体的物理力学性能、消除湿陷性,且2000kNm单击夯击能的强夯 处理效果最佳,灰土挤密桩法效果次之,1000kNm单击夯击能的强夯处理效果最不显著. [关键词]地基;湿陷性黄土;灰土挤密桩;强夯;试验 [中图分类号]TU411 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2012)19-0068-04 Comparison of Effect of Lime-soil Compaction Pile and Dynamic Consolidation Method to Improve Collapsible Loess Ground Guo Xiaoyun Wang Min Yan Jiaqing Xiang Xinghua Bai Xiaohong College of Architecture and Civil Engineering Taiyuan University of Technology Taiyuan Shanxi 030024) Abstract:Based on Pingyang highway construction project the improving effects of three soil treatment methods such as lime-soil paction pile dynamic consolidation methods of1O0kNmand 2 000kNm were pared in this paper through contrasting the changes of soil physical and mechanica! indexes before and after treatment.Meanwhile the improving mechanics of either lime-soil paction pile or dynamic consolidation methods for collapsible loess ground were introduced and discussed.The laboratory test result showed that dynamic consolidation methods with1000kNmand2000kNmand lime-soil paction pile were all effective to improve collapsible loess'engineering property and decrease its collapsibility.Among these three methods the strengthening effec...
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