2015年2月上 施工技术 第44卷第3期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 89 D0I:10.7672/5js2015030089 硅灰掺量对超硫酸盐水泥水化进程的影响* 向佳瑜,余保英,李红傲 (中建商品混凝土有限公司,湖北武汉430070) [摘要]通过设计3%,5%,8%,10%4种不同的硅灰掺量配制超硫酸盐水泥($C).对其胶砂试样的力学强度进 行了跟踪测试,并测试了试样自拌合加水后10h内的水化温升,借助扫描电子显微镜和X射线衍射分析仪对试样 水化产物进行分析,得出硅灰不同掺量下SSC的力学性能、水化温升及水化产物的差异.结果表明:硅灰在SSC中 掺量为3%~5%比较适宜,对S5C的力学性能和水化进程有促进作用;试样的水化过程最大的放热峰发生30~ 6Oh 随着硅灰的掺人,试样的最大水化放热峰提前;SEM和XRD分析结果显示硅灰填充于SSC之间,使胶凝材料 具有良好的级配和密实度,而且与SSC水化产物中少量的Ca(OH)2产生火山灰效应,提高了试样的强度. [关键词]建筑材料:水泥;超硫酸盐水泥;硅灰:水化温升;活性指数 [中图分类号]TU528.04 [文献标识码]A[文章编号]1002-8498(2015)03-0089-04 The Influence of Silica Fume Content for Super Sulfate Cement Hydration Process Xiang Jiayu Yu Baoying Li Hongao China Construction Ready Mixed Concrete Co.Ltd.Wuhan Hubei 430070 China) Abstract:Four different silica fume content (3% 5% 8%and 10%respectively)was researched for preparing super sulfate cement (SSC for short).The mechanical strength and hydration temperature rise of specimens were tested from mixing to 100h and the ponent of hydration products were analyzed by scanning electron microscope and X-ray diffractometer.Then the content differences of silica fume to effect SSC hydration reaction were obtained.Experimental results show that the proper content of silica fume in SSC system is 3%~5%which has a promoting effect on the mechanical properties and hydration process.The specimens hydration process maximum exothermic peak appear in 30~60h.The advanced exothermic peak occurred went with silica fume incorporation.SEM and XRD analysis ...
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