2010年3月 施工技术 第39卷第3期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 11 贵阳奥体中心主体育场异形柱施工技术 冯云,邹侠,盛圳 (中建三局第一建设工程有限责任公司西部公司,贵州贵阳550002) [摘要]贵阳奥体中心主体育场南北看台有36根混凝土弧形柱,西看台有20根钢结构Y形柱和10根混凝土Y形 柱.由于施工荷载大,仅靠模板体系承担施工荷载困难.经过计算,决定通过合理分段,依靠丫形柱和弧形柱自身 的承载能力承担施工荷载.弧形柱分3步施工,Y形柱分5步施工.为保证弧形柱和Y形柱的施工质量和清水混 聚土效果,采用定型钢模板施工,工厂制作,现场拼装.主要介绍了弧形柱和丫形柱的模板体系及支撑体系的选择 以及施工技术. [关键词]贵阳奥体中心;主体育场;弧形柱;Y形柱 [中图分类号]TU745.2 【文献标识码]A 【文章编号]1002-8498(2010)03-0011-03 Construction Technology of Spatial Shape Column of Main Stadium in Guiyang Olympic Sport Center Feng Yun Zou Xia Sheng Zhen (The West Company The First Construction Engineering Limited Company of China Construction Third Engineering Bureau Guiyang Guizhou 550002 China) Abstract:The north and south stand has 36 concrete arc-ghape columns and the west stand has 20 steel structure Y-shape columns and 10 concrete Y-shape columns in the main stadium of Guiyang Olympic Sport Center.Because of heavy construction load it is difficult for formwork system to bear construction load.By calculation self-bearing capacity of these Y-shape and arc-shape columns is enough to undertake construction load with rational construction segment.So the arc-shape column is constructed for three segments and the Y-shape column is constructed for five segments.To assure their construction quality and fair-faced concrete effect these columns are constructed with shaped steel formwork which is made in factory and assembled on site.In this article the authors mainly show selection and construction technology of f...
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