Number:CTSO-C153 Date of approval:August 4 2016 CAAC Approved by:Yang Zhenmei China Civil Aviation Technical Standard Order This China Civil Aviation Technical Standard Order (CTSO)is issued according to Part 37 of the China Civil Aviation Regulations (CCAR-37).Each CTSO is a criterion which the concerned aeronautical materials parts or appliances used on civil aircraft must ply with when it is presented for airworthiness certification. Integrated Modular Avionics Hardware Elements 1.Purpose. This China Civil Aviation Technical Standard Order (CTSO) prescribes the minimum performance standards (MPS)criteria that an Integrated Modular Avionics (IMA)hardware element must meet to be identified with the applicable CTSO markings. 2.Applicability. a.This CTSO is effective for new applications submitted after the effective date of this CTSO.The standards of this CTSO apply to the following hardware elements: (1)Hardware modules and (2)Cabinets or racks that host hardware modules. b.The hardware elements manufactured to ply with this CTSO may be used to support functional CTSOs or systems approved under CCAR-21 23 25 27 29 33 or 35 (for example a braking system -1- CAAC CTSO-C153 approved as part of a type certificate).Functional CTSO authorizations and aircraft-level approvals are not covered by this CTSO. c.Appendix 3 provides a summary of the terminology applicable to hardware elements. d.Major design changes to article approved under this CTSO will require a new authorizati...
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