2012年2月上 施工技术 第41卷第358期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 95 二灰土的压实渗透特性研究 徐奋强1,方庆军2,陈艳丽2,沈正1 (1.南京工程学院建筑工程学院,江苏南京211167;2.河海大学岩土力学与堤坝 工程教育部重点实验室,江苏南京210098) [摘要]二灰土在高等级公路底基层中得到广泛应用,但是对二灰土渗透特性的研究较少.通过二灰土的基本物 理性质试验,系统地研究含水率、压实度这两个因索对二灰土的抗压强度及渗透性的影响,获得二灰土压实度与渗 透系数及无侧限强度之间的关系特点. [关键词]公路;二灰土;压实度;试验;渗透系数 [中图分类号]U416.1 [文献标识码】A [文章编号]1002-8498(2012)03-0095-03 Study on Compaction and Permeability Performances of Lime-ash Soil Xu Fenqiang' Fang Qingjun2 Chen Yanli Shen Zheng (1.College of Architecture and Ciwil Engineering Nanjing Institute of Technology Nanjing Jiangsu 211167 China: 2.Key Laboratory of Ministry of Education for Geomechanics and Embankment Engineering Hohai University Nanjing Jiangsu 210098 China) Abstract:Lime-ash soil is used widely in the base layer of high-level road but little study is done on permeability performance of the soil.The study of the basic physical properties of lime-ash soil is developed.However after studying the influences of the moisture content degree of paction on the pression and the permeability of lime-ash soil and analyzing the relationship between degree of paction and unconfined shear strength of lime-ash soil we e to a result that the basic physical parameters of lime-ash soil may change a lot even within specification requirements by many experiment of basic physical characteristic of lime-ash soil. Key words:roads;lime-ash soil;degree of paction;test;permeability characteristic 目前二灰土在高等级公路底基层中得到广泛JTJ034一2000规定的技术指标.粉煤灰为硅铝粉煤 使用,也是...
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