2011年7月上 施工技术 第40卷第344期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 47 冻土地区工程桩负摩阻力试验研究 孙建波,徐春华,徐学燕2 (1.哈尔滨工业大学建筑设计研究院,黑龙江哈尔滨150090; 2.哈尔滨工业大学土木工程学院,黑龙江哈尔滨150090) [摘要]在太阳辐射热的条件下,考虑冻土工程性质的变化,进行室内冻土与混凝土圆柱间负摩擦力试验,分析负 摩擦力f与土融沉量S变化关系f.=f(S) 分析不同含水量条件下负摩擦力f与土融沉量S的时程关系曲线及两 者变化关系和含水量对负摩擦力f.、融沉量的影响.计算活动层的融沉及负摩擦力的发展对桩基承载力衰减影 响,即夏季冻土融化时,正融土中桩的承载能力衰减了8%左右. [关键词]冻土;负摩阻力;融沉量;含水量;衰减 [中图分类号]TU475.2 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2011)13-0047-04 Test Research on Negative Friction of Engineering Pile in Permafrost Regions Sun Jianbo' Xu Chunhua' Xu Xueyan2 (1.The Architectural Design and Research Institute Harbin Institute of Technology Harbin Heilongjiang 150090 China; 2.School of Civil Engineering Harbin Institute of Technology Harbin Heilongjiang 150090 China) Abstract:Due to the qualitative change of frozen soil engineering the laboratory test was carried out on the negative friction force between frozen soil and concrete pile.The affection of thaw collapse of active soil layer and the development of negative friction on the attenuation of bearing capacity of pile foundation is calculated and the relation curves are analyzed with different water content such as f.=f(S) S=f (t)f =f(t).In summer bearing capacity of pile decreases with 8%of active thawing soil. Key words:permafrost;negative friction;thaw quantity;water content;attenuation 夏季由于太阳辐射热在多年冻土层上部存在着1模型试验 季节活动层,夏融冬冻.计算分析正融冻结土沿单 按土工试验规程,试样大小:混凝土圆柱周长为 桩表面的抗剪强度具有极大意义.这个问题的现实21.68cm 埋入冻土深度为50cm.土样为哈尔滨粉 性是因为在工程建(构)筑物营运期间,多年冻土经 质黏土,含水量分别为17.4%,20.44%,24.04%, 常从坚硬冻结状...