施工技术 2013年3月下 96 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第42卷第6期 D0:10.7672/sgjs2013060096 加筋土挡墙计算分析* 周春霖,许国光,王力尚,董伟 (中建中东有限责任公司) [摘要]加筋土挡墙作为一种有效的挡土墙技术,以其造价便宜、施工简便等优势在国内外广泛应用.在国内应用 中,格栅形式逐渐代替土工带而成为主流,但目前针对格栅的计算程序编写滞后,难以满足工程需求.首先介绍土 工带和土工格栅两种常用加筋形式,阐述其力学原理、设计计算方法和施工注意事项等,并对两种加筋形进行比 较,然后简单介绍自主编写的加筋土挡墙计算程序的功能和特点,最后以2个工程实例分别说明土工带、格栅两种 加筋形式的计算过程,并与其他计算方式比较以证明程序的正确性和有效性. [关键词]地下工程;加筋土挡墙;设计;计算;软件 [中图分类号]TU476.4 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2013)06-0096-04 Analysis and Calculation of MSE-wall Technology Zhou Chunlin Xu Guoguang Wang Lishang Dong Wei China State Construction Engineering Corporation Middle East L.L.C. Abstract:As one of the most effective earth-retaining wall technologies MSE-Wall has been used widely all over the.world for its advantages of low cost and easy construction.Recently the geosynthetics used in MSE-Wall is gradually changing from reinforced geobelt to geogrid but there are few software designed for geogrid.This paper firstly introduced and pared the mechanical principle designing and constructing methods of reinforced geobelt and geogrid.After that the function and characteristics of self- developed software MSE calculator V1.1)programmed with Delphi is introduced.Finally the calculation procedures with reinforced geobelt and geogrid are illustrated with two engineering examples and the results are pared to other calculation methods to validate the accuracy of the software. Key words:underground engineering;MSE-wall;design;calculation 加筋土挡墙(mechanical stabilized earth r...
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