施工技术 2013年1月上 108 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第42卷第1期 动态测量技术在沉管法隧道施工中的研究与应用 钟伟春,江巨桓,曾淦辉 (广州打捞局,广东广州510260) [摘要]移动干坞制造外形巨大且精度非常高的混凝土管段,因干坞平台及其承载施工的管段处于飘浮状态,无法 直接采用陆地测量技术进行施工放样,而拉线尺量等简易放样方法无法满足管段制作的精度要求.在首次采用移 动干坞新技术施工的广州仑头一生物岛隧道工程中,对动态测量技术的原理、方法及变形影响进行分析研究,利用 经纬仪的结构特点,采用特殊操作方法,实现了动态平台上的精密测量放样,解决了管段制作的精度控制难题. [关键词]隧道工程;沉管;动态测量;移动干坞;精度控制 [中图分类号]TU198;U452.13 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2013)01-0108-05 Research and Application of Dynamic Measurement Technology in Immersed Tunnel Construction Zhong Weichun Jiang Juhuan Zeng Ganhui Guangzhou Salvage Bureau Guangzhou Guangdong 510260 China) Abstract:When huge concrete tunnel unit is prefabricated on a mobile dock platform as the platform is in a floating state conventional survey method is not feasible for construction survey and setting out. Simple measuring method such as rulers can not meet the accuracy requirement.The Luntou-Biological Island Tunnel of Guangzhou was the first immersed tunnel project which employed the new technology of mobile dock.With respect to this project the theory and operation of dynamic measurement technology were studied as well as the influence of deformation.In this project precise setting out on mobile dock platform was made possible by adopting a special operation of the theodolite making use of the structural characteristics of theodolite.This method solved the difficulty of precision control in concrete unit fabrication. Key words:tunnels;immersed tubes;dynamic measurement;mobile dock platform;precision ...