施工技术 2015年4月上 90 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第44卷第7期 D01:10.7672/sjs2015070090 后压浆大直径超长钻孔灌注桩试桩工艺 柯洪,赵春宏1,朱宾勤1,吴翔2,王继华1,汪浩3 (1.中国能源建设集团云南省电力设计院有限公司,云南昆明650051;2.中国地质大学(武汉)工程学院, 湖北武汉430074;3.中国建筑第三工程局有限公司,湖北武汉430074) [摘要]以天津某超高层工程为例,介绍了大直径超长钻孔灌注桩试桩方法和工艺,包括试桩成孔工艺、灌注桩施 工工艺和试桩工艺.主要介绍了成孔施工过程的要求,双护筒的设计与施工,反力系统的设计与制作,监测系统设 置以及加载方式等. [关键词]桩基础;高层建筑;试桩;施工工艺;监测 [中图分类号]TU753.3 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2015)07-0090-03 Pile Testing Process of Large Diameter and Super Long Bored Pile with Post Grouting Technique Ke Hong' Zhao Chunhong' Zhu Bingin' Wu Xiang2 Wang Jihua' Wang Hao (1.China Energy Engineering Group Yunnan Electric Power Design Institute Kunming Yunnan 650051 China; 2.Faculty of Engineering China University of Geosciences Wuhan Hubei 430074 China; 3.China Construction Third Engineering Bureau Co. Ltd.Wuhan Hubei 430074 China) Abstract:Based on an engineering practice in Tianjin this paper introduced testing pile process and methods of the large and super-long bored pile such as testing pile process pile-forming and testing. The requirement in pore-forming construction design and construction of double protecting sleeve reaction system design monitoring system setting and loading mode were introduced in detail. Key words:piles;tall buildings;testing piles;construction;monitoring 1工程概况 N 天津某117层塔楼建筑高度约597m 塔楼楼层 020508011014 平面呈正方形,大楼首层平面尺寸约67m×67m. D6 D9 D12试桩 塔楼基础为超长后压浆钻孔灌注桩,为了确定超长 01 04 07 010013 后压浆钻孔灌注桩的承载特性,需进行试桩试验. 图1D区试桩和锚桩分布示意 在塔楼布置场地内进行了2组试桩,第1组试桩区 Fig.1 Distribution of test...