2015年12月下 施工技术 第44卷第24期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY D0I:10.7672/sgjs2015240005 哈尔滨万达茂滑雪乐园东区钢屋盖滑移技术 杨文侠,丁剑强,孔鹏2,蔡蕾,宋文杰2,夏树伟2 (1.江苏沪宁钢机股份有限公司,江苏宜兴214231; 2.上海同新土木工程设计咨询有限公司,上海200092) [摘要]主要介绍哈尔滨万达茂滑雪乐园东区屋盖高胎架、高支架、大跨度、带坡度累积滑移施工技术的运用.在 方案设计过程中,重点对滑移施工全过程支架及胎架的强度及稳定进行分析,采用同步滑移技术进行施工全程控 制与调整,确保结构稳定、受力合理. [关键词]钢结构;屋盖;高支架;胎架;滑移 [中图分类号]TU758.11 [文献标识码]A[文章编号]1002-8498(2015)24-0005-03 Sliding Technology for Eastern Steel Roof in Harbin Wanda Mall Skiing Paradise Yang Wenxia' Ding Jianqiang' Kong Peng? Cai Lei' Song Wenjie2 Xia Shuwei (1.Jiangsu Huning Steel Mechanism Co.Ltd. Yixing Jiangsu 214231 China; 2.Shanghai Tongxin Civil Engineering Design Consulting Co.Ltd.Shanghai 200092 China) Abstract:The application of sliding technology are mainly introduced for eastern steel roof of Harbin Wanda Mall Skiing Paradise with high jig high support structure large span and slope.During the design of the project the analysis of strength and stability of jigs and support structure are mainly important in the whole process of the sliding construction.The control and changes of the whole process is carried out by using the synchronous sliding technique which ensures the structure stable and the force is reasonable. Key words:steel structures;roofs;high support;jigs;sliding 1工程概况 西区钢结构 中区钢结构东区钢结构 哈尔滨万达茂滑雪乐园建成后将是世界上最 大的室内滑雪场,位于哈尔滨市松北区.该项目结 构最高标高为117m 总长约500m.整体结构由东 区、中区、西区3部分组成(见图1),从西向东呈弧 度上升,通过伸缩缝断开. 图1滑雪乐园结构分区 东区屋盖为大跨度巨型桁架结构,总重约 Fig.1 Steel structure partion of skiing paradise 2500t.主要由横向主桁架、次桁架、纵向桁架、...