施工技术 2014年9月上 112 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第43卷第17期 D0I:10.7672/5j52014170112 地质雷达在采空区探测中的应用研究 张远博,邓洪亮,高文学,刘冬1 2,吕凤娇 (1.北京工业大学建筑工程学院,北京100124;2.北京市道路工程质量监督站,北京100076) [摘要]采空区的稳定性问题作为公路建设的不良地质问题已越来越突出,而采空区的分布范围及采动裂隙发育 特征是采空区变形与稳定性评价的基础.在阐述地质雷达工作原理的基础上,结合河北某公路工程,探讨地质雷 达在采空区探测中的工程应用.研究表明,地质雷达探测采空区分辨率可达数厘米,深度符合率在±5cm内,满足 工程上要求的探测分辨率,而且现场直接提供实时剖面记录图,图像清晰直观,可以较为准确地探测地下采空区的 空间位置. [关键词]公路工程;路基;采空区;地质雷达;应用 [中图分类号]U412.2 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2014)17-0112-03 Application Research on Ground Penetrating Radar Detection in Goaf Zhang Yuanbo' Deng Hongliang' Gao Wenxue' Liu Dong'.2 Lu Fengjiao' (1.College of Architecture and Civil Engineering Beijing University of Technology Beijing 100124 China; 2.Beijing Road Engineering Quality Supervision Station Beijing 100076 China) Abstract:Stability of mined-out area as undesirable geological problems of highway construction has been more and more prominent the distribution range of goaf and the mining characteristics of fracture development are the basis for deformation and stability evaluation of goaf.This paper mainly introduces the working principle of ground penetrating radar bined with the city of some road engineering mining engineering application of ground penetrating radar in the detection of goaf.The results show that the resolution of ground penetrating radar can reach several centimeters the coincidence rate of depth is in±5cm.Ground penetrating radar has satisfactory exploration resolution which can provide real-time profile char...
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