施工技术 2013年9月下 96 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第42卷第18期 D01:10.7672/sgjs2013180096 基于Android平台的建设工程施工现场 质量管理应用研究 宋伟1,郝建民,赵霄剑1,李振华2,陈大萍2 (1.太原市建设工程质量监督站,山西太原030009;2.广州粤建三和软件有限公司,广东广州510640) [摘要]随着人们对以3技术为代表的移动计算技术的广泛接受,各种移动终端的应用相继产生.作者团队基于 Android平台研发了“建设工程施工现场质量监管信息系统”,使施工管理人员在施工现场应用移动终端办公,及时 获取工程质量数据,强化现场管理人员的职责,其推广应用将显著提升施工现场管理水平,促进工程质量的提高. [关键词]信息化;移动计算;质量控制 [中图分类号]TU17;TU71 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2013)18-0096-04 Application of Quality Management on Engineering Construction Site Based on Android Song Wei' Hao Jianmin' Zhao Xiaojian' Li Zhenhua2 Chen Daping? (1.Taiyuan Supervision Station of Constructional Project Quality Taiyuan Shanxi 030009 China; 2.Guangzhou Yuejian Sanhe Software Co. Ltd.Guangzhou Guangdong 510640 China) Abstract:The mobile technology represented by 3G has been wildly accepted so the application of a variety of mobile terminals have been produced.The author's team has developed "a construction site quality control information system"based on the Android platform so it is possible for the construction managers to work in the construction site with the mobile terminals which gives a timely access to engineering quality data and strengthens field management responsibilities.The promotion of the use for this system will significantly enhance the management level and promotes the engineering quality. Key words:information;mobile puting;quality control 工程质量是指在国家现行的有关法律、法规、设备在无线环境下实现了数据传输及资源共享,将 技术标准、设计文件和合同中,对工程的安全、适 有用、准确、及时的信息提供给任何时间、任何地点 用、经济、环保、美观等特性的综合要...
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