施工技术 2015年3月下 80 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第44卷第6期 D01:10.7672/sgj82015060080 基于IPD的建筑企业技术中心管理模式研究* 徐芬1,苏振民,余小2 (1 南京工业大学土木工程学院,江苏南京211816;2.江苏顺通建设集团有限公司,江苏南通226400) [摘要]针对目前建筑企业技术中心运行过程中面临的问题,依据IPD的主要功能,构建了基于IPD的建筑企业技 术中心管理模式,在此基础上分析其运行流程,并从研发资源的整合、多项目管理的适应性和过程管理的强化3个 方面,对IPD应用于建筑企业技术中心的管理模式所带来的优势进行探讨. [关键词]项目管理;建筑企业;集成产品开发;管理模式 [中图分类号]TU71 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2015)06-0080-04 Management Mode Research for Construction Enterprises Technology Center Based on the IPD Xu Fen' Su Zhenmin' She Xiaojie2 (1.College of Civil Engineering Nanjing Tech University Nanjing Jiangsu 211816 China; 2.Jiangsu Shuntong Construction Group Nantong Jiangsu 226400 China) Abstract:For the present construction operation problems in the process of enterprise technology center according to the main function of the IPD the paper establishes the management mode for construction enterprises technology center based on the IPD and the operation process was analyzed based on this mode.The advantages for the IPD mode which is applied in the management of the construction enterprise technology center were proposed from three aspects:integrating research and development resources adapt ability of project management and strengthening the management of the process.The advantages of IPD in the management mode of construction enterprises technology center were discussed. Key words:project management;construction enterprises;integrated product development (IPD); management mode 0引言 效果,对大型建筑施工企业如何加强技术中心建 企业技术创新已经在...
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